Eakin wins the American Prize in Composition

I am thrilled to announce that I won the American Prize in Composition (professional choral division) for my #twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts. The concept for this work was the brainchild of the brilliant Tony Silvestri. His poetic tweets, chronicling youth, middle-age, and old-age, were perfection! I share this award with you, Tony. I would also like to thank Tim Seelig and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus for commissioning and premiering this work. Tim has been a dear friend and champion of my work for 20 years and I am forever grateful for the music that we have made together. #twitterlieder: 15 tweets in 3 acts is available at ECS Publishing, with versions for SATB and TTBB ensembles. https://www.ecspublishing.com/twitterlieder-15-tweets-in-3-acts-for-soloists-chorus-and-instrumental-ensemble-or-piano-satb-piano-vocal-score.html


“La Délaissée: Songs of Love and Heartbreak from Cajun Louisiana” to premiere at the 2024 National Conference of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)


San Francisco Symphony & San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus premiere "I Will Fly"